Colonial Williamsburg


History is brought to life at Colonial Williamsburg the colonial capital who played a pivotal role in the founding of our democratic republic and the citizens who were responsible for our creation as a nation.  The group calls themselves the “largest outdoor living museum in the country.”

Located on 301 acres in the Virginia town of Williamsburg, Colonial Williamsburg has been supported by a private 501 (c)(3) foundation since 1938.  The industrialist and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller started the renovation process is in 1926.  Eight-eight original buildings have been restored to date.

The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation is not state or federally funded but instead relies on grant funding and the generosity of individual donors and visitors. 


2018 Contributions Received



2018 Program Revenue Earned



2018 Net Assets

$1.064 billion


The foundation is committed to safeguarding this wonderful national treasure for generations to come through tourism, education, research, documentation, and interpretative training initiatives.


2018 Salaries

$50,490,535 for 1,411 employees

(approximately 65% of funds raised annually)


2018 Non-Salary, Non-Grant Expenses


(approximately 83% of funds raised annually)


The charity is focused on continuing to raise gifts that will permit additional renovations, education, and research especially through generous support from corporations and foundations as well as estate & planned giving.


Current Board & Volunteers

22 Board Members – 16 Independent of the Organization

790 Volunteers


President & CEO

Clifford B. Fleet, III (since 2019)


The obvious immediate challenge for Colonial Williamsburg:


Overcoming the challenges of COVID-19 and restoring tourism to its original numbers.


Generosity Assessment:  Colonial Williamsburg is an innovative charity with a historic mission to continue.  We believe Colonial Williamsburg is a great candidate for support from:


Principal Gifts

Program Related Investments

Social Impact Funds

Additional Public-Private-Philanthropic Partnerships


For more information on Colonial Williamsburg or to make a donation, please visit their web site at: