
How do you do it? How do you raise, give, or manage generosity more preeminently? How can you differentiate your self in today’s highly competitive marketplace? How can you be more impactful? More transformational and measurable in what you do?

The Generosity Institute offers a menu of topics that will help you learn more about the individual platforms that make for great philanthropy. Our team will walk you through these charity tools so that you can not only better understand their pros and cons but also can leverage their lessons and potential to your maximum benefit.

ne-on-One Consulting Services are available on a topic-by-topic basis which you can reserve at your convenience. These topics contain in-depth information on the selected topic of choice.

Each topic is offered for $2,500 per selected topic.  Multiple topic discounts are available upon request. 

Six topics are available for free with one (1) session consisting of a complementary session, where designated "free."

The topics consist of two one-on-one call sessions. 

Session #1 is a 90-minute phone call to discuss the selected topic in detail.  The call is preceded with a PPTX file outlining the material to be covered.  A two-to-five (2-5) page assessment with recommendations will be provided within 72 hours of the session one call.

Session #2 is a 30-minute phone call to follow-up on the selected topic material provided during the session one call.  Additional questions about the material, recommended protocols, and suggested next steps will be discussed.

A link to the services check-out option through our parent company, Cannon & Caius LLC, follows at the bottom of this page. Sixty percent (60%) of this fee is granted to our participating academic partners and forty percent (40%) supports the Generosity Institute’s operations.

The menu of available topics include the following:

1.     Free – The Promise of Public-Private Partnerships

Is there a better way to fund the public good?  Public-private partnerships have long proven to be effective ways to fund socially beneficial projects when either governmental funding or traditional commercial funding is not available.  Or, both!  Structured properly, public-private partnerships can fill the funding gap on critically important and seriously underfunded capital and program projects, especially where generosity is added to the mix.  In a wide variety of concentrations, a public-private partnership is probably the answer for 21st century needs in America, as well as globally.

2.     Free - Creating a Better Way to Give

Is it possible to give better? Is it possible to give a dollar today to a charity of choice, get it back eventually so that is not wasted just because you need that tax deduction, and then give it away again someday so that many charities, as opposed to one, can benefit from your philanthropy?  Is it possible to make certain that a charity will use your donated dollar the way it was intended to be used without a member of your own family having to play the tough guy in the relationship you have with a charity of choice?  Is it possible to benefit a number of charities with a single donation, even if those charities are in multiple states, abroad, or work with for-profit ventures, too?  Is it possible to make life run more smoothly for you when it comes to managing and growing both your philanthropic and private wealth?  The answer to all of these questions is, yes! There is indeed a better way to give and you can have it, too.


3.     Free - Creating a Better Way to Get

Is there a better way to get?   Is it possible for a charity to spend less than five cents on every dollar raised and actually meet a very large fundraising goal?  Is it possible to find new sources of philanthropic income that can also include for-profit and international partners?  Is it possible to monetize deferred gifts with program related investment funds and use them now, as opposed to twenty years from now when the donor passes?  Is it possible to make our prospective donor pool wealthier and borderless?  The answer to all of these questions is an unqualified, yes.


4.     Free - Creating a Better Way to Manage Generosity

Is there a better way to manage generosity? You bet! Generosity is a two-way street. The act of giving blends (or should) with the act of getting when you manage generosity properly. Today’s philanthropic efforts have far more tools to work with than ever before, so how does one do that, and can it be done preeminently?  If so, how?


5.     Free – What It Takes

Do you have what it takes to be preeminently generous?  Raising, giving, and managing charitable money preeminently and attracting qualified ultra-high net worth donors ethically requires that any charity of choice operate at a level above the rest.  There are a number of indicators common among the most deserving organizations at home and abroad.  Do you know what those indicators are?  Do you know how to make your charity of choice stand out when it comes to earning generosity?


6.     Free – Ten Trends in 21st Century Philanthropy

Public and private scrutiny of charitable ventures have you concerned?  It should.  We live in a much more complex world these days, and charitable mismanagement peppers local news all of the time.  As a result, there are a number of trends lurking out there when it comes to generosity that will either make your life more satisfying, or your trepidation more challenging.  What are those leading trends in 21st century philanthropy and how do you navigate them more expertly so that your intended public benefit is indeed a benefit in the end?


7.     Enterprise Excellence Evaluations

Do you need better results so that the public can benefit, too?  How can you best create that most optimum culture of excellence that fosters more strategic growth, greater mission impact, more efficient operations, more measurable progress?  From the pages of Six Sigma/Lean and Malcolm Baldrige Quality Standards come new methodologies and protocols for doing it better where priority matters.


8.     Best Practices, Best Intent

Who does it best, when it comes to preeminent generosity?  What are the best practices available in the charitable industry?  How can you be standard-setters, too?  Can the bar be raised in your charity of choice?  How can you become first among equals in donors’ eyes?  It might be easier than you think to be best-in-class, too!


9.     Leveraging Benefit Through Public Private Partnerships

Can we do better by collaborating more?  Unquestionably, we believe.  In fact, the public benefit landscape is densely populated with examples of innovation and funding where the public sector is working with the private sector to bring about great public good for our citizens.  How do you arrange one of these innovative collaborations?  Where do you begin?  How do you sustain it?  Can one truly bridge the gap in diminishing funding from both the private and public sectors?


10.  Principal Gifts & Signature Naming Opportunities

Does that treasured name belong with your program?  Principal gifts are among the most generous donations available to any charity today.  But they require work on both sides of the gift.  They demand long-term relationships forged through principles of unyielding integrity.  What are the risks and the rewards of signature naming opportunities today?  How does one structure an effective principal gift in today’s wildly competitive charitable marketplace?  What difference can a principal gift make to any campaign?


11.  Major Gifts, Major Initiatives

What is your capacity to live in the major gift world today?  Do you have what it takes to nurture the type of relationship that is needed to sustain a charitable mission over the long-haul?  How do you identify a viable propensity to give or get?  Can you better cultivate that more lucrative prospective donor pool in the process?  What protocols will ensure more success when it comes to your major initiatives with the help of major gifts?


12.  Program Related Investments

Have you heard about one of Ben Franklin’s favorite charitable tools? PRIs are philanthropic loans, basically. You give to your charity of choice, earn a very small amount of philanthropic interest back to boot, get the donation returned after a period of use, and are then able to give it all away again at a later date.  Assuming, of course, that the philanthropic loan is structured properly in the first place.  This a great platform for funding capital projects and innovative, transformational programs.  We will show you how you can use PRIs for your philanthropy as well.


13.  Social Impact Funds

Are your ready to catch the fastest emerging train in philanthropy today?  Social Impact Funds are broad-stroke funding tools where investors, using both their public as well as private portfolios actively seek to place critical capital in nonprofit and for-profit businesses and related philanthropic funds that harness the most promising entrepreneurial enterprises.  These funds cross a wide variety of asset classes typically reserved for private investors such as venture capital, private equity, debt instruments, and fixed income vehicles. Billions of dollars have already been invested in charitable ventures thanks to Social Impact Funds and impact investing, with more to come promised!


14.  Attracting Private Family Foundations

Are you ready to leverage that family legacy for great public benefit?  Private family foundations have a number of very significant tax benefits to offer their patrons, in addition to honoring beloved family members for generations to come.  How do you best structure a private family foundation?  How do you engage the support of a private family foundation?  Are there any tricks to governing a private family foundation efficiently?  We will show you the ropes when it comes to interacting with this very sophisticated, and often discerning, charitable tool.


15.  Establishing Virtual Planned Giving Operations

Want to significantly reduce the cost of offering planned giving tools to your clients, donors, families and friends?  Now you can through the use of virtual planned giving operations that still generate all of the revenue for your charitable objectives without costing you and arm and a leg when it comes to have the professional staff available to make planned giving options available.  You have more choices available than you might realize!


16.  Soliciting Family Offices

Where does philanthropic wealth management have the greatest potential?  Through family offices, of course!  Family offices attend to the every need of their member families, whether that be one family or many.  As a result, their team of trusted advisors are often the most difficult impediment one might encounter when seeking the benefits of a family office operation with any charity of choice.  Getting to the decision-makers in a family office is not easy.  But when you do, the benefits to transformational charitable ventures can be extraordinarily good for the causes that family offices and generosity share in common.


17.  Effective Estate Planning for Sophisticated Philanthropy

Can you plan better for your future, charitably, too?  No question about it, we believe.  In fact, an effective estate plan can ensure your future impact and intended benefit long after succeeding generations of your family have picked up the torch and carried on with your vision and values.  Want to better understand what effective estate planning really is?  What the components of an effective estate plan might entail? Have competing needs and little time?  We can help you forge a path toward a more impactful plan.


18.  Donor Advised Funds

Need to give it away, mitigate the headaches of managing your charitable portfolio, but still have some counsel to offer on where and how those donations might be made through your particular brand of generosity?  Donor Advised Funds could very well prove to be the platform you most need to stay in the generosity game without have to pay the price of everyday management, too.  DAFs are wonderful alternatives to creating a private family foundation, even when the charitable funding vehicles are complicated.  Your options are substantial and your ability to make a difference virtually unlimited.  The real question is:  how involved to you want to be in the process?


19.  Community Foundations

Do you need to be part of bigger pool of givers in your community?  Then participating in generosity through a community foundation in your area might just be your cup of philanthropic tea!  Community Foundations are exceptional tools for providing donations at the grassroots level.  Community Foundations are staffed by professionals and overseen by some of the most prominent and influential advisors available to any charity-focused organization – your neighbors!  If you want to know how best to work with a community foundation in your city or town, we can provide you a roadmap of your own for making your donations count, in measurable, accountable ways.


20.  Prospecting for Ultra High Net Worth Donors

Where does wealth, exceptional wealth, reside?  In places you might never imagine.   Not all ultra-high net worth households flaunt their success or their interests.  Finding the right donor with great charitable depth and potential is not a walk-in-the-park, literally or figuratively.  Prospecting for Ultra High Net Worth Donors requires process and precision. It requires discretion and transparency.  It requires persistence and patience.  It requires trust.  Working with this standard of giving is both labor-intensive and time-worthy in the same breadth.  The path to mutually beneficial and mutually satisfying charity for giver and getter is narrow and sometimes perilous.  But done expertly, highly gratifying when great public good is done, too.


21.  Capital Campaigns & Campaign Cabinets

Ready to launch a capital campaign?  You will need lots of expert help, paid as well as volunteer, to make your goal achievable.  A lot of planning goes into capital campaigns, starting with identifying who will help your raise those funds from the community you serve.  There are thousands of landmines waiting to ambush you along the way, but you can get there, if you plan accordingly and realize just how rare a well-executed capital campaign is in today’s philanthropic marketplace.


22.  Fiduciary & Trustee Assurance

How do you make sure that a gift or charitable investment is used as intended?  Does the donor have to play the bad cop in order to get what they were originally promised with their gift?  Absolutely not!  Advisors should and must play that role.  Assurance by fiduciaries and trustees are not to be compromised.  But there is a bevy of ways to make certain that any generosity is honored as intended, whether comprised intentionally or innocently.  There are many examples of both to share!


23.  Special Special Events

Shouldn’t special events be truly special, rather than just expensive? Special events can be special and they can be affordable, with proper structuring and planning.  Whether point-of-entry events or multi-million dollar celebrations.  We have seen it all and we have done it all.  The secrets to success and low-cost margins for the intended charity are really not that difficult to achieve.  You just need to know what to ask for and insist that you receive in return for your generosity!


24.  Philanthropic Marketing

Do you have a charitable story to tell?  How about an accomplishment to share?  Telling what you know, to who you need to tell, is not as easy as it sounds.  You are competing with a lot of news stories out there and pursuing what seems like even more news sources to tell that spectacular news.  Electronic and print media, earned media through news releases and press conferences?  Social media that is engaging, entertaining, and sustainable?  There are many challenges to bridge when it comes to telling a really good story, one that should generate even more generous donations when you make it appropriately compelling.


25.  Generational Values

How do you engage younger generations of your family in the charitable priorities you treasure most?  Does the third generation out from the original donor or donors really spend all of the money before their children and grandchildren get a shot at expanding the hard-earned family legacy?  What do you expect when it comes to instilling generational values in your own family or even your charity of choice?  Is it possible?  Should it be possible?  Why not?


26.  Charitable New Business Development

There is a lot of charitable new business development opportunities out there, if only you consider …? Want to expand that pool of potential that might encourage even more donors and their already distracted generosity to make you one of their top charities of choice, too?   How do you find those new charitable business development opportunities?  How do you structure the opportunity within your operation?  Is it translatable?  Will it be a much-need value-add to that charitable portfolio you cherish?  Can it be, really?


27.  Crafting Unique Partnerships

We don’t have to do it alone?  Nope!  In fact, collaboration among for-profit and not-for-profit collaborators will ensure even greater success, if you find the right partner or partners?  Can domestic partnerships work among international collaborators, too?  (Yes!)  How do you identify potential partners?  How do you integrate them into your operation, as seamlessly as possible?  The potential is endless.  Only your imagination is needed to decide who you might work with most optimally.


28.  Board & Foundation Structures

How do you best structure a foundation or charitable platform in order to consistently achieve your mission objectives?  Who are the best board members for your charitable venture?  What should they do?  What should they be expected to do?  What structure, tax-wise, works best with our brand of generosity?  Should we be public or private?  Are there other options available?


29.  Annual Giving & Grateful Patron Programs

What makes for a really impactful annual giving program?  Can we encourage more grateful patrons to give to our charitable ventures more easily?  What are the rules for recognizing annual givers and grateful patrons?  Can you run afoul of rules and regulations even on small gifts?  Do annual giving programs have to be so labor-intensive and expensive?  Is it better to outsource annual giving and grateful patron programs to professional fundraising firms, or should those programs be managed in-house?


30.  Corporate Citizenship Initiatives & Cause Related Marketing

Can institutional organizations be trusted to be good corporate neighbors while attending to their own bottom lines in order to keep shareholders and stakeholders happy?  How do corporate citizenship initiatives work?  What is cause-related marketing and how does it differ?  Can corporations make a difference and a profit at the same time?  Should they?  May they?  How does a corporation market ethically when it comes to ensuring the public good?


31.  Staffing for the Mission

Is there a better way to staff a charitable venture, public or private?  What is the best structure for staffing available today?  Does cost-to-raise-a-dollar have to be so high if you do staff your organization, especially in their early days of their mission?  Do we need lawyers, accountants, trust officers, investment advisors, etc., in order to thrive as a charitable organization, especially among wealthier donors?


32.  Branding for the Cause

Integrity is King or Queen when it comes to charitable brands these days, so how do we build a trusted brand around our generosity efforts?  Is effective branding cost-efficient, too?  Is it necessary, and if so, why?  What have been the trends in responsible branding for the cause?  Is there a wrong way to brand our charitable venture?  What are the tricks of the trade when it comes to brand awareness and brand value where generosity is concerned?


33.  Superb Stewardship

How do you keep that valued donor engaged in what you do?  Can donor fatigue be easily avoided?  Is it possible to keep a multi-giving donor engaged in your charitable venture?  What motivates a donor to have a long-term relationship with your charity of choice.  Is a long-term relationship to be more valued than a short-term relationship?  What are you permitted by rule and regulation to help steward your treasured patron?  It’s a slippery slope but a slope you must navigate if giving is to be sustained.


34.  Art of the Ask

Is asking an art or a process?  Industry literature on this topic is not conclusive.  But our opinion is that asking is more of an art than just a process.  Clearly asking is a blend of the two talents but how much of each is it?  Art?  Process?  Who does it best?  How do they do it?  Can we learn it or is it God-given only?   


35.  Growing Charitable ROI

Running a charity is still running a business – ROI matters?  You bet it does.  And the better you are at generating ROI for all of your stakeholders, the more likely it is your charity of choice will be successful in meeting its mission objectives on a much more timely basis.  What is charitable ROI?  How do you measure it?  Who in your charity of choice should be the chief ROI officer?


36.  Feasibility, Can We Plan On It?

Are feasibility studies still needed before launching a capital or program campaign?  Is the expense and time of a feasibility study still necessary?  What details does a feasibility study analyze?  Have feasibility studies changed over time?  Is so, how?  If not, why not?  If we want to plan a campaign, how does one go about starting the process?