
The Generosity Institute has undertaken a number of projects that will lead to the ultimate publication of our discoveries.

The first of these publications follows.

What is Generosity?

What is Preeminent Generosity?


The chapters in this forthcoming book cover, among others, the following topics:

  • Giving, getting, and managing philanthropy better

  • Principal gifts and signature naming opportunities

  • Benjamin Franklin and Program Related Investments

  • Family offices and working with private family foundations

  • Trusted advisors and the sacred roles they are entrusted to protect

    Philanthropic marketing and donor cultivation

  • Enterprise excellence through Baldrige Quality Standards and Lean/Six Sigma

  • Special, special events and how they can be better structured to yield massive dividends

More Studies.

A few of our current study questions include:

Faith - Is there a better way to fund faith projects through small donations?

Health - Do nonprofit hospitals do enough public good with their tax-exempt status?

Politics - What impact is nonprofit-funded advocacy having on American lawmaking?

Space - How do we get there and how do we best fund that effort?

Sports - How do sports teams benefit the communities they serve under their charity status?