Monticello & The Thomas Jefferson Foundation
Thomas Jefferson would indeed be singing, “What did I miss,” as the infamous Hamilton production might be suggesting. The nation he helped found with the Declaration that promotes that “All men are created equal” would be astonished by what he would encounter, politically as well as morally, we believe.
On the other hand, Jefferson would no doubt appreciate that his beloved Monticello is brimming with visitors, scholars, and the search for the American truth, thanks to the wonderful work of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation.
The Foundation, Jefferson’s foundation, is focused on preserving the estate that sits on 2,500 of Jefferson’s original 5,000 acres, as well as educating the world as to who Mr. Jefferson was, what he stood for, and why his work in politics and farming was so important.
Founded in 1923, and a tax-exempt charity since April 1985, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation manages the intriguing Neoclassical and Palladian architecture estate, the Jefferson library and papers, and the lands surrounding the mountaintop home he shared with Martha, after inheriting the land from his father at age 26.
2018 Contributions Received
2018 Program Revenue Earned
2018 Net Assets
The Foundation regularly conducts conferences for international scholars, lectures, panel discussions, teacher workshops, curriculum-based tours for people of all ages, and funds fellowships for the academically-minded.
2018 Salaries
$15,733,591 for 446 employees
(approximately 68% of funds raised annually)
2018 Non-Salary, Non-Grant Expenses
(approximately 74% of funds raised annually)
The Foundation’s current focus is on: 1) continuing to restore Monticello, 2) archaeology around the ruins of the old estates, 3) the scholarship of the Jefferson presidency, and 4) greater in depth examination of slavery during the Revolution and operations of the mountaintop.
Current Board & Volunteers
20 Board Members - 19 Independent of the Organization
360 Volunteers
Leslie Greene Bowman
The obvious immediate challenge for the Jefferson Foundation:
Research, educate and advocate how slavery impacted the 3rd president of the United States and his circle at Monticello and deepen the pool of funding support for the Foundation’s activities.
Generosity Assessment: The Thomas Jefferson Foundation has been among the most open and transparent organizations encountered to date. Their work on behalf of greater charitable funding for Monticello and the Jefferson Library and papers are more important than ever as America struggles to better explain and entertain on the value of the American Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution. We believe the Jefferson Foundation is a great candidate for support from:
Principal Gifts
Program Related Investments
Social Impact Funds
Public-Private-Philanthropic Partnerships
Pension & Trust Investments
Special, Special Events
For more information on the Thomas Jefferson Foundation or to make a donation, please visit their web site at: