Gliding across a still lake in unison, one with the water and the horizon. Sculling. Rowing. Whatever you want to call it, it is precision on the water. Precision in the boat. Precision teamwork.
The Orlando Area Rowing Society, known locally in its host town of Windermere as OARS, is a spectacle to celebrate.
The formal mission of OARS, a 501(c)(3) is to develop athletes who will help achieve the Society in becoming the best rowing club in the Southeastern United States. Founded in 1989 and a tax-exempt organization since 1990, OARS embraces rowing enthusiasts for all ages from middle school to the oldest adult possible, six-days-a-week if up to the training task.
2017 Contributions Received
2017 Net Assets
The annual OARS regatta draws 1,000 rowers from 32 teams over two days each year. It is the second largest regatta in the southeastern U.S. promoting in the process, fun, fitness and camaraderie among all ages.
2017 Salaries
$171,898 for 17 employees
(approximately 37% of funds raised annually)
2017 Non-Salary, Non-Grant Expenses
(approximately 75% of funds raised annually)
The charity rowing society does a great deal of its fundraising to maintain weekly training and annual competitions in the southern United States.
Current Board & Volunteers
33 Board Members – 33 Independent of the Organization
50 Volunteers
Volunteer President
John Figueroa (since 2009)
Day Job: Capgemini Project Manager
The obvious immediate challenge for OARS:
To keep them rowing.
Generosity Assessment: We have had the opportunity, because of proximity, to watch OARS keep them training and keep them rowing. We have watched them bring college teams to the shores of Little Lake down to winter train and have marveled at the commitment their rowing teams of exhibited. We believe OARS is a great candidate for support from:
Principal & Major Gifts
Program Related Investments
Public-Private-Philanthropic Partnerships
Special, Special Events
Annual Funds, and more.
For more information on the Orlando Area Rowing Society or to make a donation, please visit their web site at: