Rainforest Foundation
The Rainforest Fund was co-founded by Sting and his wife, Trudy Styler to fulfill a promise made to an indigenous leader in the Brazil rain forest to help protect his people and the environment where they lived.
Established in 1989, the global fund’s formal mission is to protect and support indigenous peoples and traditional populations of the rainforest in efforts to protect their environment and defend their rights, to promote sustainable development of their communities, and to challenge government practices which have a damaging effect on their environment.
The protection effort was broadened after fulfilling the original pledge to all of the world’s rainforests.
2018 U.S. Contributions Received
2018 U.S. Program Revenue Earned
2018 U.S. Net Assets
The Fund is now focused on accomplishing other protection and advocacy initiatives for rainforests in Belize, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Ecuador, Guyana, Honduras, Indonesia, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar, Panama, Papua New Guinea, The Philippines, and others.
2018 U.S. Salaries
$126,550 for 1 employee
(approximately 29% of funds raised annually)
2018 U.S. Non-Salary, Non-Grant Expenses
(approximately 25% of funds raised annually)
The Fund enjoys collaborations with the World Bank, United Nations, European Union, as well as support from individual and corporate donations.
Current Board & Volunteers
4 Board Members all Independent of the Organization
0 Volunteers
The mission of the Fund is carried out by local non-governmental organizations and relevant indigenous groups. They address community organization, forest protection, land rights, and resource management. They also help coordinate legal support and human rights protection through impactful campaigning and advocacy.
The obvious immediate challenge for the Rainforest Foundation:
Is to have as large an impact as it might have for a global initiative.
Generosity Assessment: The Rainforest Fund has very powerful advocates in its corner and a promising track record thus far. Building its programmatic reach and securing greater donation levels will be a must to survive in this new challenged global marketplace. We believe the Rainforest Fund is a great candidate for support from:
Principal & Major Gifts
Program Related Investments
Social Impact Funds
Public-Private-Philanthropic Partnerships
Special, Special Events
More Significant Annual Funds & Peer-to-Peer Fundraising
For more information on the Rainforest Fund or to make a donation, please visit their web site at: