Salesforce Foundation
Salesforce Foundation, a tax-exempt private charity since May 2000, funds initiatives that are strategically aligned with Salesforce’s education and workforce development initiatives. Salesforce is a publicly traded (NYSE) cloud-based software company providing customer relationship management services to their clients. Salesforce also has a complementary suite of enterprise applications focused on customer service, marketing automation, analytics, and other applications.
To support its charitable initiatives, Salesforce Foundation supports charities and nonprofit organizations with philanthropic platforms that promote greater access to sources of wealth, employee and workplace giving, pro bono services, and more.
2017 Contributions Received
2017 Net Assets
The Company leverages its technology, people, and resources to “improve communities throughout the world.” The Foundation has pioneered a integrated philanthropic platform they call their 1-1-1 model supporting early-stage corporate philanthropy. Their pitch is to provide a 1% investment in equity, time, product or profit.
2017 Salaries
$0 for 0 employees
(0% of funds raised annually)
2017 Non-Salary, Non-Grant Expenses
(approximately 1% of funds raised annually)
The Salesforce Foundation, since its founding, has made more than $240 million in grants, donated 3.5 million in community service hours, and provided more than 39,000 nonprofit and educational institutions with product.
Current Board & Volunteers
3 Board Members – 0 Independent of the Organization
Corporate Volunteers
Chairman and Co-CEO
Marc R. Benioff (founder)
The obvious immediate challenge for the Salesforce Foundation:
To meet the substantial philanthropic need in the American marketplace at a scale that makes a measurable difference to the targeted audiences Salesforce covets.
Generosity Assessment: The Salesforce Foundation is trying to do great public good by leveraging their significant corporate assets for the benefit of those they desire to help. We believe Salesforce and its Foundation are great candidates for support from:
Principal Gifts
Program Related Investments
Social Impact Funds
Public-Private-Philanthropic Partnerships
For more information on Salesforce, please visit their web site at: