United Nations Foundation
The United Nations Foundation is the go-to partner for the world’s deliberating body, the United Nations. Founded in 1998 by the entrepreneur, Ted Turner, the Foundation supports the UN and it activities thanks to his founding $1 billion gift.
The grants the UN Foundation makes to the UN represents the single largest source of private funding that world body receives annually.
Their website echoes a line worth knowing: “Each day we act as if the world depends on it because it does.”
2018 Contributions Received
2018 Program Revenue Earned
2018 Net Assets
The Foundation is focused solely on supporting the UN’s activities on children’s health, climate change and energy, sustainable development, technology, and women’s and girls population. The effort is designed to bring together ideas, people, and the resources necessary to drive global programs and “tackle urgent problems.”
2018 Salaries
$32,707,147 for 348 employees
(approximately 48% of funds raised annually)
2018 Non-Salary, Non-Grant Expenses
(approximately 160% of funds raised annually)
The Foundation granted more than $25 million in calendar 2018 to the initiatives it supports on behalf of the United Nations.
Current Board & Volunteers
12 Board Members – 10 Independent of the Organization
10 Volunteers
President & CEO
Elizabeth Cousens (since 2020)
Promoted from Deputy Chief Executive Officer
The obvious immediate challenge for the UN Foundation:
Remain globally relevant in a highly competitive market dominated by COVID-19 priorities and needs in order that its revenue raised vastly exceeds its non-grant-related expenses.
Generosity Assessment: The United Nations Foundation has been highly successful in achieving its narrowly focused mission. We believe the UN Foundation is a great candidate for support from:
Principal Gifts
Program Related Investments
Social Impact Funds
Public-Private-Philanthropic Partnerships
For more information on the United Nations Foundation or to make a donation, please visit their web site at: