U.S. Soccer Foundation


The U.S. Soccer Federation Foundation was founded in 1995 to enhance, assist, and grow the sport of soccer in the aftermath of the wildly successful World Cup USA 1994.  The Foundation has a special emphasis on serving and assisting underserved communities on behalf of soccer in the USA.

The Foundation’s leadership and board see soccer as “a vehicle for social change among youth in urban areas.”

The charity is nationally-recognized for its innovative programs which have been proven to deliver positive health outcomes in the markets they serve.


2018 Contributions Received



2018 Program Revenue Received



2018 Net Assets



U.S. Soccer Foundation places priority on initiatives they label as Soccer for Success, Safe Places to Play, Passback, as well as grants and advocacy programs strategically important to the organization.


2018 Salaries

$2,636,247 for 28 employees

(approximately 14% of funds raised annually)


2018 Non-Salary, Non-Grant Expenses


(approximately 19% of funds raised annually)


Tax-exempt since 1995, the U.S. Soccer Foundation is continuing to branch out into even more communities across the nation.


Current Board & Volunteers

21 Board Members all Independent of the Organization

30 Volunteers


President & CEO

Ed Foster-Simeon (since 2008)

Previously Deputy Managing Editor USA Today


The obvious immediate challenge for the U.S. Soccer Foundation:


To deepen their prospective donor pool to include more sophisticated giving that can better help sustain the organization in a volatile market where funding priorities are highly competitive.


Generosity Assessment:  U.S. Soccer is a rapidly growing sport in the United States and the Foundation’s focus on underserved communities, using soccer as a motivator for change and progress, is very sound and laudable. We believe US Soccer Foundation is a great candidate for support from:


Principal and More Major Sized Gifts

Program Related Investments

Social Impact Funds

Deeper Public-Private-Philanthropic Partnerships


For more information on the U.S. Soccer Foundation, or to make a donation please visit their web site at:

